Humans of Laguna: Noah Dehli


Tracy Cao

I was confused. My parents were not getting along; I didn’t know what was going on. My dad wasn’t living in the house anymore. I didn’t see him that much since he moved to another place. Although my mom and I eventually moved up with him, it’s different. I guess my dad just wanted more and wished he had more. I don’t understand why everything had changed much back then when it was just so perfect even though it wasn’t perfect for my parents. For the past eight years, my dad has a partner. I mean, my stepmom is a wonderful person, and I do love her. But my mom hasn’t been together with anybody for the whole time, but just now, things changed. It’s hitting me very hard because I began to realize that it’s not just us anymore. She doesn’t belong just to me, because now she has someone else in her life.