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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

  • Mar 11 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Foothill Tech - 1
  • Feb 27 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Nordhoff - 0
  • Feb 27 / Boys TennisLaguna Blanca School - 10, Dunn - 8
  • Feb 25 / Girls Beach VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 4, Bishop Garcia Diego High School - 1
  • Jan 21 / Boys SoccerLaguna Blanca School - 4, Grace Brethren - 0
The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

Rugg Room Renovation:  A Prototype for New Classrooms

Rugg Room Renovation: A Prototype for New Classrooms

October 24, 2014

Along with the new additions to campus, one of the classrooms is undergoing a major redesign that will be a prototype for future classrooms. The Rugg Room is currently being renovated by Zimmerman Construction ...

Online Privacy Compromised

Online Privacy Compromised

June 11, 2014

Today, in the age of the Internet, privacy and security are increasingly crucial concerns for citizens, legislators, and corporations. To understand the intertwined nature of contemporary technology,...

Partying Culture in the US Hits Home

Partying Culture in the US Hits Home

June 11, 2014

“Oh, you’re from Santa Barbara, so how are Halloween and Deltopia there?” Unfortunately, this is the reaction most young adults get when they share with people who aren’t locals that they are...

Your Information and Photos Can Be Shared

June 10, 2014

Do you ever search for something online that is private? Do you ever search for something that you would like to keep a secret? Well, the Internet is not a private place. Companies are actually paid to...

Teachers Take Flight

Teachers Take Flight

June 9, 2014

Ms. Elliott Begins Her Fifth Novel With four published novels already under her belt, history teacher Ms. Martha Elliott is getting ready to write her fifth. Ms. Elliott is the 2014 recipient of the...

Despite Rainfall, California Remains Ravaged by Drought

Despite Rainfall, California Remains Ravaged by Drought

April 8, 2014

While the rest of the country freezes, Santa Barbara is now in “exceptional” drought conditions. As of Feb. 20, the state of the water shortage in Santa Barbara County has officially been increased...

Cruise Ships Drop Anchor in Santa Barbara

Cruise Ships Drop Anchor in Santa Barbara

February 19, 2014

With the U.S. State Department giving warnings to travelers, cautioning to travel to Mexico only if necessary, cruise lines are looking for alternative ports for their guests. In years past, cruise lines...

Third and Ninth Grade Collaborate in Story Writing Project

Third and Ninth Grade Collaborate in Story Writing Project

February 19, 2014

Third graders eagerly stepped off the bus in anticipation of their visit to the Upper School to meet their big friends. They couldn’t wait to hear the ninth graders read the stories that they worked...

The Chinese Birthrate Is Falling

The Chinese Birthrate Is Falling

January 13, 2014

For years, there has been controversy over China’s one-child policy. While it was created to help control rapid population growth, it has caused a massive imbalance in genders due to many female children...

A Second Home in Deep Space

January 10, 2014

Recent calculations done by astronomers using NASA data have revealed that the Milky Way contains about 8.8 billion planets the same size as Earth. What’s more, these planets orbit their parent stars...

What is the Role of the Military in America Today?

January 9, 2014

George Washington’s Farewell Address when he left office in 1779 is one of the most well-known speeches in American history. In his address, he cautioned Americans: “The great rule of conduct for...

Changes in the Common Application Result in Glitches

January 9, 2014

Not only do high school seniors have the stress of applying to colleges, but this year they also bear the added weight of changes and challenges with the application system. Throughout the 2013 college...

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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School