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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

  • Mar 11 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Foothill Tech - 1
  • Feb 27 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Nordhoff - 0
  • Feb 27 / Boys TennisLaguna Blanca School - 10, Dunn - 8
  • Feb 25 / Girls Beach VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 4, Bishop Garcia Diego High School - 1
  • Jan 21 / Boys SoccerLaguna Blanca School - 4, Grace Brethren - 0
The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Perils of Redistricting

The Perils of Redistricting

Luca D’Agruma March 2, 2022

At the beginning of each decade, the slow moving levers of our democracy begin to chug steadily along.  The U.S. Census (a Goliath survey sent to every American household), concludes, and the Census...

Partying Culture in the US Hits Home

Partying Culture in the US Hits Home

June 11, 2014

“Oh, you’re from Santa Barbara, so how are Halloween and Deltopia there?” Unfortunately, this is the reaction most young adults get when they share with people who aren’t locals that they are...

The Fresh Market Opens on Milpas

The Fresh Market Opens on Milpas

April 23, 2014

Milpas Street, the so-called “Eat Street” of Santa Barbara, has recently seen an addition to its list of restaurants and hole-in-the-wall cafés: The Fresh Market. The store, featuring a potpourri...

Foods and Restaurants Around Santa Barbara

Foods and Restaurants Around Santa Barbara

April 16, 2014

Epicurean Excursions Seniors can get stuck in the monotonous routine of going to the same restaurants. Here are a few places that are off the beaten path and offer quick, delicious food. This French bistro...

Despite Rainfall, California Remains Ravaged by Drought

Despite Rainfall, California Remains Ravaged by Drought

April 8, 2014

While the rest of the country freezes, Santa Barbara is now in “exceptional” drought conditions. As of Feb. 20, the state of the water shortage in Santa Barbara County has officially been increased...

Cruise Ships Drop Anchor in Santa Barbara

Cruise Ships Drop Anchor in Santa Barbara

February 19, 2014

With the U.S. State Department giving warnings to travelers, cautioning to travel to Mexico only if necessary, cruise lines are looking for alternative ports for their guests. In years past, cruise lines...

Thrill the World: Zombies Take On Charity

Thrill the World: Zombies Take On Charity

December 3, 2013

Passers bye took note of grotesque zombies in odd costumes who lined State Street on Oct. 26. Right when you think you’re in a horror movie, they start to dance to none other than Michael Jackson’s...

Actor and Author John Morello Returns by Popular Demand

December 1, 2013

Students went to see comedian, actor and graphic novelist John Morello perform his one-man show, “Dirt,” at Laguna on Nov. 7 for the first time since 2010. “I’m not going to preach, teach, or...

Headmaster Leaves Laguna

Headmaster Leaves Laguna

May 30, 2013

Four years after his arrival, Headmaster Paul Slocombe is stepping down from his position at Laguna, and it is not without great sadness that we say goodbye. “I’ll miss the warmth of the community...

We All Scream for Ice Cream

We All Scream for Ice Cream

March 3, 2013

Everyone has that one favorite ice cream flavor that always hits the spot whether it’s chocolate chip cookie dough, rich chocolate, or even just plain vanilla. But now, minds might be changed about...

Bottom 1 Percent Steals the Spotlight

December 2, 2011

Homeless Join “Occupy” Movements “Think Globally, Act Locally: Street Medicine from Santa Barbara to Haiti” is the lecture presented by Dr. Mimi Doohan, a family physician with a private practice...

Sisters Create an Online Fashion Magazine Called “SiS”

Sisters Create an Online Fashion Magazine Called “SiS”

September 19, 2011

Sisters Luisa and Fernanda Cameron casually flipped through magazines last summer when they realized that few of them were for their age group—the only prominent magazines for young fashion enthusiasts...

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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School