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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

  • Mar 11 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Foothill Tech - 1
  • Feb 27 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Nordhoff - 0
  • Feb 27 / Boys TennisLaguna Blanca School - 10, Dunn - 8
  • Feb 25 / Girls Beach VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 4, Bishop Garcia Diego High School - 1
  • Jan 21 / Boys SoccerLaguna Blanca School - 4, Grace Brethren - 0
The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

Is bigger better? A Review of the iPhone 6

Is bigger better? A Review of the iPhone 6

October 23, 2014

The iPhone continues to be Apple’s meal ticket to success after nearly 10 million iPhone 6’s were sold on launching weekend. Apple has given the consumers a choice between an iPhone 6 at 4.7 inches...

A Midsummers Night's Mashup Trailer

A Midsummers Night’s Mashup Trailer

October 14, 2014

Thanks to Kylan Tyng for making this wonderful trailer.  

Owls Dig in at New On-Campus Sand Volleyball Courts

Owls Dig in at New On-Campus Sand Volleyball Courts

September 19, 2014

BY BARRY PUNZAL, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM It looked like a typical Santa Barbara day — guys playing volleyball in deep, golden sand on a warm afternoon. But there was something geographically different...

Learning How To Fail

Learning How To Fail

June 11, 2014

I got a C on my very first essay in Ms. Tidey’s freshman English class.  The essay was on Fahrenheit 451, a book that I’d breezed through over the summer.  It wasn’t an F, but it was a C and it...

A Gathering of Scholars Inducted into the Cum Laude Society

June 11, 2014

The Cum Laude Society honors scholastic achievement in secondary schools for the purpose of promoting areté (excellence), diké (justice) and timé (honor). The Society was founded with the intention...

Field Day Brings Out the Competitive Spirit

Field Day Brings Out the Competitive Spirit

June 10, 2014

Divided into pink, green, light blue and dark blue, the students flocked to the fields for a day of fun in the sun and friendly competition in the fourth annual Laguna Blanca Field Day. The teams voted...

Read It and Weep: Coping with the Thin Envelope

Read It and Weep: Coping with the Thin Envelope

April 23, 2014

Nearly every single human being on the planet has been rejected in some way or another at some point in his or her life. Rejection is a difficult thing to cope with, especially in terms of the college...

Foods and Restaurants Around Santa Barbara

Foods and Restaurants Around Santa Barbara

April 16, 2014

Epicurean Excursions Seniors can get stuck in the monotonous routine of going to the same restaurants. Here are a few places that are off the beaten path and offer quick, delicious food. This French bistro...

My Big Fat Greek System

My Big Fat Greek System

February 26, 2014

Brotherhood, friendship, and camaraderie: these were the core principles of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s first fraternity. Founded in 1776, the distinguished members of Phi Beta Kappa discussed controversial...

Rites of Passage of High School

Rites of Passage of High School

February 21, 2014

You walk under a majestic arch with profound words written upon it and enter the unfamiliar world you’ve only heard about from movies and older siblings—high school. For the next four years, you know...

Travels to Antarctica & Africa

Travels to Antarctica & Africa

February 13, 2014

Fowlers in Antarctica “My family and I went to Antarctica for seven days over winter break. My parents want us to go to all seven continents before I go to college, so they decided to go to Antarctica...

Languages: A Forgotten But Necessary Treasure

Languages: A Forgotten But Necessary Treasure

January 28, 2014

The study of foreign languages has been the one of the subjects which our country’s students consistently lag in compared to other countries—probably because of Americans’ somewhat lackadaisical...

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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School