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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

  • Mar 11 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Foothill Tech - 1
  • Feb 27 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Nordhoff - 0
  • Feb 27 / Boys TennisLaguna Blanca School - 10, Dunn - 8
  • Feb 25 / Girls Beach VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 4, Bishop Garcia Diego High School - 1
  • Jan 21 / Boys SoccerLaguna Blanca School - 4, Grace Brethren - 0
The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

I Voted, Did You?

Alexandra Siegel, Co-Editor-in-Chief February 17, 2023

In the United States, eighteen is the start of many things; adulthood, independence, and arguably most important, engagement in the democratic process. When one votes, they are participating in the democratic...

Alumni Spencer Dusebout Gives Ted Talk

Alumni Spencer Dusebout Gives Ted Talk

April 10, 2016

Laguna Blanca alumni Spencer Dusebout recently gave a Ted Talk about his successful water company.  

A Conversation with Cameron Platt 

A Conversation with Cameron Platt 

January 27, 2016

Cameron Platt, a senior at Princeton University, is concentrating on English and pursuing certificates in Theater and Medieval Studies. Platt, previously awarded the George B. Wood Legacy Junior...

On the Slopes with  Zuley Lewis

On the Slopes with Zuley Lewis

January 25, 2016

  How long have you been skiing? I have been downhill skiing since I was 17 months old. I started Telemark skiing when I was 12. Telemark skiing in- volves skis where the heel is free,...

BOXTALES Come to Laguna

BOXTALES Come to Laguna

January 22, 2016

Boxtales performed Homer’s Odyssey. This has been called one of the most important stories of Western civilization. In this performance Odysseus describes his adventures in his own words, acting out...

Field Day is Coming!

Field Day is Coming!

January 22, 2016

Get ready for field day 2016, coming on Friday, March 11!

Girls Volleyball Wins First Round of State Playoffs

Girls Volleyball Wins First Round of State Playoffs

November 24, 2015

The girls won their first round of state, beating Summit High School in strait games. Their next match will be at home this Saturday!

Why Teachers Teach

Why Teachers Teach

November 18, 2015

Mr. Grooms, my World History teacher in 10th grade,” answers Kevin Shertzer when asked who his favorite teacher in high school was. “He told the most amazing stories and seemed to know everything about...

“Ladylike”:  The Double Standard Lives On

“Ladylike”: The Double Standard Lives On

November 11, 2015

Earlier this year, I was venting about a particularly rough day I had to a woman that I hold in high-esteem in my life, and I used the phrase “so-and-so makes me feel like crap.” I was told to find...

Sock Institute students put their hands in the air before handing out socks to street friends.

Alameda Park Meal and Sock Sharing

October 15, 2015

On Sep. 24 and Oct. 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM, about fifty Laguna Blanca Students assembled at Alameda Park for the weekly Thursday meal sharings with the homeless. The organizations that come together to create...

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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School