They memorize the names of important battles, dates, and death tolls.
They think they know what happened in the 1940s throughout Europe between the Allies and Axis Powers, and what currently is happening in Iraq.
They even watch movies like “Saving Private Ryan” that attempt to recreate the horrors of real warfare.
But, students’ knowledge about World War II, the Vietnam War, and Operation Iraqi Freedom from a history class cannot compare to what students learn from a primary source, especially when that source is standing right before them in a school assembly.
It is indeed rare to hear a first-hand account of what it was like to parachute into Normandy on D-Day.
The audience was exceptionally quiet as Sgt. Major Robert Forties talked about his experiences on D-Day.
Speaking at the Nov. 10 assembly in honor of Veterans Day were a soldier on active duty and two veterans.
Students embraced the opportunity to hear Sgt. Major Robert Forties, Lt. John Blankenship, and Master Sgt. Jon Parra give their personal accounts of their service.
The assembly was organized through the Santa Barbara Service for Soldiers Club, specifically by the club president senior Kai Gamble.
Kai founded the club in 2010 and has recently received a Letter of Assurance from the United States Naval Academy, which ensures him a spot in the class of 2016.
The assembly consisted of two parts, beginning with time for the veterans to share their stories and finishing with time for selected students who asked pre-written questions to the veterans.
First to speak was Master Sgt. Parra, a member of the Airborne Infantry Division in the United States Army, who is currently on active leave from the conflicts in the Middle East.
Master Sgt. Parra shared what motivated him to enroll in the military, followed by a description of his time spent in Iraq, and lastly his plans for the future.
Major Sgt. Parra has never regretted his spur of the moment decision to join the United States army 19 years ago, and he continues to think that there is no better place he could be.
Master Sgt. Parra finished with emphasis on how important it is for the soldiers to have support from American citizens back home.
He then passed the microphone to Lt. Blankenship, former aviator of the US Navy in the Vietnam War as well as a former Laguna Blanca student.
Lt John. Blankenship talked about his experience being drafted into war and his time spent in the Navy.
Next up was Sgt. Major Forties, a veteran of the 82nd Airborne in World War II.
Sgt. Major Forties was a paratrooper throughout the war. Now 89 years old, Sgt. Major Forties recalled with a sharp memory piece by piece, battle by battle, jump by jump his experience in World War II.
In his introduction of Sgt. Major Forties, Lt. Blankenship shared with the audience that Sgt. Major Forties is the recipient of five purple hearts.
Mr. Forties told the audience about the times he’d been shot.
He served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. During his time in the Army he made 70 parachute jumps.
After the speakers finished sharing their service experiences the assembly turned to the students with questions. One by one students walked onto the stage and asked the speakers a question.
Two questions stood out to the veterans as especially well thought out and meaningful.
Sophomore Mitsi Gamble asked about camaraderie and the role it plays in the lives of soldiers experiencing the crucible of combat together.
Master Sgt. Parra remarked that Mitsi’s question was a very good one.
Each panelist responded with an answer revolving around the concept of being a family in the field and depending on each other for everything.
Another question that the panelists said was a really good question came from sophomore Hughes Williamson.
“For me the point of the assembly was to gain a sense of respect and appreciation for the men and women who have been fighting for our country.
After the assembly I felt that the student body came out with a greater appreciation for what our troops have done and are doing for our country,” said Kai in reflection of the Veterans Day assembly he planned.