Great News!!
Hands 4 Others was able to raise enough money to send over one clean water system to the Philippines. It arrived in Manila this morning and will be transported to the village of Cebu tomorrow, providing clean water for up to 5,000 people.
A big thank you to all of our supporters…but we are not stopping there. We are continuing our effort and plan to send over more water systems to the areas in most critical need.
H4O youth volunteers are mobilized and are taking action to help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Students throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura County will be holding a fundraising event at the Hook Burger in Burbank, tomorrow from 11am – 2pm. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to H4O’s relief efforts in the Philippines.
H4O youth volunteers will be outside raising awareness and soliciting donations in exchange for H4O t-shirts, water bottles, and bracelets. If you are in the area, stop by for a burger and a good cause (you may even make the news).
In addition, H4O is partnering with The Habit Burger in Santa Barbara to help raise money for the victims. Visit their locations to see how.
H4O is committed to solving the world’s water crisis even though natural disasters aren’t helping our cause. Our youth are taking action and gaining attention. Check out this coverage from KEYT:
Thanks for keeping up with H4O. Your interest is what keeps us going. Please forward this email on to your contacts and help spread the word via social media!!
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 805 665 7517