Hi Trish!
How are things back in SB? I hope all is well. I just wanted to share word of my newest business venture ! I thought you might find it pretty cool 🙂
I co-founded it with a friend whom I met at the Coca Cola Scholarship weekend. We released the first in a (hopefully) line of apps that aim to fix problems in the education system. The first issue we are tackling is scholarship and the problem of how difficult it is to search for and find scholarships.
The app is called Scholly and in the first few days we were up to #12 in the education section of the app store. It consists of a database manually curated by my business partner Chris Gray (nicknamed the “Million Dollar Scholar” for winning $1.3 million in scholarships out of high school) as well as a handful of sample essays.
We’re also beginning to be featured on several news sites, such as the Philadelphia Business Journal (http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/print-edition/2013/05/17/appiness.html) and briefly on Fox News (http://revoctechnologies.com/Fox29%20and%20Philadelphia%20Mayor’s%20Office%20of%20Education%20Financial%20Aid%20Phone%20Bank.mp4 — skip to around halfway in) — we also may actually get a full segment rather than just a demo.
The app is now available for both Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edu.schollyapp) and iOS (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scholly-scholarship-search/id640381740?mt=8).
If you want any more info let me know!