Sunscreen was purchased, cameras were charged, lockers were locked, and notebooks were packed.
In an effort to help each high school grade level bond closer together, each year high school students in each grade take a class trip that expands their learning beyond the walls of the class room and into the outside world.
This year, sophomores boarded boats as they spent the week team building, camping, and exploring the marine environment around them on
Catalina Island.
“My favorite part [of the trip] was wrestling history instructor Mr. Shertzer in the ocean,” Carter Thicke said.
The junior class loaded into buses and drove up to San Francisco where they spent part of their time touring the campuses of UC Berkeley and Santa Clara.
Home base for the trip was Coastal Camp at NatureBridge.
While attending the camp, students were given the opportunity to complete team challenges while working with younger children.
The senior class went on the annual “Senior Retreat” to El Capitan camp site, where, in addition to presentations from faculty on writing college essays, applying for college, and finding a senior project, they enjoyed intense battles of charades, foggy morning hiking adventures, and spending lazy afternoons swimming at the pool.
Faculty chaperones also chatted with the seniors and offered advice on everything from senior photos to self discovery.
“It was such a great time. Major senior bonding. It was just a great overall experience,” said Brian Miguel.
The freshman class has yet to take their class trip due to scheduling issues, slated for mid-November, their trip to Yosemite is much anticipated by the students.
During the trip week when the rest of the students were away, freshmen participated in their own class bonding activities on campus and locally.
They visited Red Rock in Santa Barbara county, where they cleaned the hiking trail and kayaked.
“I really enjoyed going to Red Rock because it was fun to see the water and go swimming,” Ashley Lecron said.