Gold Circles
Gold Circle Awards Overview
Gold Circle Awards are offered to recognize superior work by student journalists usually as individuals but sometimes as an entire staff working with either print or online media. These media are published in schools or colleges throughout the United States and in overseas schools following an American plan of education.
For the 29th annual Gold Circles, the deadline for Newspapers and Magazines is now June 15, 2012. Eligibility for these categories is June 16, 2011 through June 15, 2012.
NEW YORK, NY – The Columbia Scholastic Press Association announces the winners from the newspaper and magazine categories of it 29th Gold Circle Awardsprogram. This year attracted 10,444 entries from newspapers and magazines produced by students at colleges, universities and secondary schools throughout the United States.
Judges cited a total of 960 winners for either First, Second or Third Place or for Certificates of Merit for those deemed worthy of honorable mention in a category for newspaper or magazine, in its annual competition for individual achievement by student writers, editors, designers and photographers.Entries were accepted from student newspapers and magazines published from June 16, 2011 through June 15, 2012. Student journalists working on these publications chose from 78 newspaper categories and 34 magazine categories for individual or staff entries.
N5. Personal opinion: Off-campus issues
3. Olivia Berci, “‘Miss representation’ up close,” The Fourth Estate,Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA;
N19. Art/illustration: Hand-drawn
2. Morgan Raith, “Greetings from…senior projects,” The Fourth Estate, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA;
N47. News page design: Broadsheet format
3. Jessica Dusebout and Darla Etezadi, “Bottom 1 percent takes the stage,” The Fourth Estate, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA;
N57. Op-Ed or news analysis page design: Portfolio of work
1. Olivia Berci, The Fourth Estate, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA;
N61. Feature page design: Portfolio of work
1. Anastasia Antonova and Zoe Serbin, The Fourth Estate, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA;
N76. Single subject news or feature package, two pages, double-truck or special section: Broadsheet format
CM. Anastasia Antonova and Zoe Serbin, “Miss Representation,”The Fourth Estate, Laguna Blanca School, Santa Barbara, CA.