The Students for Soldiers Club held a benefit concert at San Marcos Theater on May 21 for the The Wounded War- rior Project (WWP). All proceeds aided wounded American veterans. Students from the Music and Arts Conservatory performed a variety of classical music including pieces by Bach, Shostakovich, and Chopin.
Junior Kai Gamble spearheaded the Students for Soldiers club. Kai recognized that students should form bonds with the people serving our nation, and he decided to create an organization that would facilitate this relationship. Students for Soldiers connects Laguna Blanca School and the larger community to the brave service people who are deployed and veterans who served our country in the past.
Kai explains, “The way that we meet our mission is by writing letters to soldiers currently fighting in Afghanistan and soliciting funds to help the WWP. There are 41,200 troops who are wounded in the War on Terror and 52% of those wounded suffer from severe mental and physical trauma such as post dramatic stress disorder.”
Gamble continues, “Upon seeing these numbers, we realized the importance of assisting our injured veterans who need the help and support from such organizations as WWP.”
Students for Soldiers choose to direct their fundraising efforts to WWP because they are confident that their donations directly benefit our veterans.
Laguna classmates also involved in the club include Luke Judson, Alex Greer, Andrew McCaffery, Justin Shand, Lauren McAlister, Lauren Mounts, Mitsi Gamble, Austin Abrams, and Julia Kent.
Students for Soldiers continues to develop and expand its organization. The group recently added a branch at San Marcos High School under the direction of juniors Mikey Mead and Noah Zimmerman. For more information about supporting Students for Soldiers, please contact Kai Gamble at kai_gamble@