In the last 20 years, beauty brands and large corporations have begun pushing products that inspire the fear of growing old.
Adolescent-centric beauty standards, such as flawless skin and slender body types, are becoming the norm, significantly impacting society’s perception of aging.
According to the National Library of Medicine, almost four million cosmetic surgery patients were under 39 years old.
Social media platforms continue advertising these surgeries to maintain a youthful appearance.
Plastic surgery and social media platforms have impacted beauty standards, which are growing more and more prevalent every day.
Cosmetic brands create unrealistic expectations through filters and editing tools, accelerating the cycle of beauty trends and exposing users to a constant stream of unachievable ideals.
However, attitudes and practices around aging vary widely across cultures, and these positive perspectives can significantly influence an individual’s experience of growing older.
In many cultures, elders are highly respected for their wisdom and insights, granting them a social status that younger people have yet to attain.
In Latin American countries, family ties, self-acceptance, and multi-generational living are some of the most important cultural values.
“Old people in Cuba are treated with respect regarding how you address them. They have many benefits socially,” said upper school Spanish instructor Odalmis Molina, born and raised there.
America has a very work-oriented culture, with the average retirement age between 65 and 67 years old.
In China, however, a woman can retire at 55, and a man can retire at 60.
Once the pressure of working lifts, older adults can enjoy life without the fear of judgment—with nothing left to lose.
“You finally feel like you are who you were supposed to be, you finally stop caring what other people think about you, and you finally realize that the only person who needs to love you unconditionally and radically is you,” said Heidi Clements, a social media content creator with over 900,000 TikTok followers.
Heidi uses her platform to show others that it is always okay to embrace aging—that aging is something uniquely beautiful.
In a world where most beauty standards seem unattainable, Heidi Clements’ message offers a refreshing perspective on aging.
By using her platform to advocate for self-love and self-acceptance, she encourages others to embrace the natural aging process.
While society tends to focus on the loss of youthful looks and abilities, aging also brings valuable benefits.
According to AllCare Health, many older adults maintain a positive mood despite the inevitable losses associated with normal aging.
International perceptions show that when aging, rather than mourning lost youth, the wisest of people find joy in the unique qualities that come with growing older, including the ability to guide and inspire younger generations.
“I wish that young people realized that we weren’t born old. This is our first time here, too. And when you see somebody who’s 50, 60, 70, even 80 years old, know that they still have the 18-year-olds in them that they once were. They’re not any different than you are,” Clements said.
By recognizing and respecting diverse worldwide views on aging, societies worldwide can create more inclusive environments that value the contributions of older adults and promote unconditional love, regardless of age.