Pride Month Celebration
Laguna Blanca school kicks off Pride Month with a lunch full of festivities.

June 17, 2022
On Wed., June 1, Laguna Blanca School held its annual Pride Month festival. Middle and Upper School students commenced the start of Pride Month by decorating Ruston Ampitheater and hosting a Pride Month celebration. DEI Coordinator Ursula Chan organized a fun gathering featuring rainbow mini cupcakes, music, temporary tattoos, lots of bubbles, and a raffle for a signed copy of “We Light Up The Sky” by Lilliam Rivera.
To enter the raffle, anyone who wanted a raffle ticket could have one, but to get a second ticket they had to be wearing rainbow colors, or any other combination of the various LGBTQ+ flags. Students came to celebrate in fun colors and in happy spirits, and it was a festive start to the month of June.