TEDx Testimonials

After three years in the TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool program, seniors Kiki Tolles, Emma Raith, and Paige Levinson reflect on their experiences across all three events.

TEDx Testimonials

Emma Raith, Writer


My time with the TEDx production class over the past three years has been the highlight of my high school experience.

In this class I’ve formed relationships with people I otherwise wouldn’t have met and I’ve developed skills I otherwise wouldn’t have discovered.

I’m proud to have been apart of our school’s TEDx movement—and the positive impact it’s had on our local and global community.

As a member of this unique team, I’ve not only honed my leadership style but I’ve also honed the reasons why I love to lead.

My time with the TEDx production class has been a gift; it has gifted me insight into business, artistic, and philanthropic worlds.

In the end, it’s shown me the worlds that I want to pursue, in college and beyond.



Over the past three years, my experience in TEDx has largely shaped me into the person I am today.

As an Executive Producer, I learned about the foundations of business, design, and collaboration—all things I look forward to pursing in college.

I can’t express how thankful I am to have been apart of something so special.

Watching TEDx transform into the program that it is today is truly humbling, and I am sad to leave it behind.

I will truly miss being apart of such a vibrant, creative, and driven team of students and faculty.

Moving forward, I’m excited to see how TEDx continues to impact our community in the years ahead.



I was placed into the TEDx elective by chance because it was the only class that fit my schedule and I could not be more grateful for my time spent working on that team.

Not only did I gain useful insight into the working world beyond Laguna, but I also learned how to be a valuable contributor to a team of brilliant other people.

Getting to collaborate with the rest of the TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool family was probably the greatest takeaway of my three years in the program, and it’s gratifying to leave TEDx knowing that future students will get to have a similar experience.