An Interview with New Teacher Dr. Yoshimura

Dr. Yoshimura’s family: Liam (17), Bill, Vivian (15) and Dr. Yoshimura

Rose Houglet

What’s your name? Do you have a nickname? (Do you prefer Ms. or Mrs.?)

Dr. Yoshimura


 What subjects do you teach?



What did you teach before coming to Laguna?

French , English composition 


How did you find out about Laguna?

I used to live in SB, and my previous school regularly competes in Laguna’s volleyball tournament!


What do you enjoy most about teaching?

 Every day is a new adventure! 


Where are you from originally?

Chicago (Go Cubs!!!)


How did you spend your summer?

 Moving! And binge-watching SMASH with my daughter! 


What was your favorite class in high school? What about in college?

French & Biochemistry (HS)and Shakespeare with Professor Homer Swander and 17th-century French theatre with Professor Ron Tobin (UCSB)


What do you like to do in your spare time?

 Golf, embroidery/sewing, cooking, and singing along to musicals like Hamilton and Newsies


How would you describe your handwriting?

A mix of cursive and printing, usually slanting down off the edge of a student essay and continuing on the back. Generally in need of some interpretation. 😉

Do you have any pets? What kind?


What is one of the funniest experiences that you’ve had while teaching?

I love when we have video conferences with our pen pals in France, because you never know what will happen!  We talk about parents, holidays, dating…. I remember when Leo, a French student, quipped, “I am absolutely single” and my students erupted into crazy laughter!


 What are you most excited about this year?

I can’t wait to experience the different rituals and traditions that make Laguna Blanca, Laguna Blanca!  As the Fox advises the Little Prince, “The essential is invisible to the eye: one has to seek with the heart” (my paraphrase  🙂  ).