Message from Lopes: How to Avoid Senioritis

August 31, 2017
- Reflect on those who have helped you along the way. Make sure you enjoy your time with them and show them how grateful you are for their guidance and support.
- Pass it on to the younger ones. Just as others have helped you, be inclusive to the younger students by hanging out with them and giving them advice on how to navigate through the challenges of being an upperclassman.
- Have fun through school spirit. Seniors have a great influence on the morale of
the student body and can set a positive tone when they express their school spirit.
The common threads in each of these recommendations are “stepping outside yourself” and “giving back.” The seniors who tend to struggle the most with senioritis are the ones who put too much focus on how they “can’t wait to leave”, which can lead to defiance and a negative outlook on the school. Being ready to leave is not a bad thing.
But, there can be a balance of looking forward to the future and enjoying the process. This is your last year with all of the students and teachers around you at our beautiful campus. You might as well enjoy it because even though it may feel like it won’t end, it is temporary.