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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

  • Mar 11 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Foothill Tech - 1
  • Feb 27 / Boys VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 3, Nordhoff - 0
  • Feb 27 / Boys TennisLaguna Blanca School - 10, Dunn - 8
  • Feb 25 / Girls Beach VolleyballLaguna Blanca School - 4, Bishop Garcia Diego High School - 1
  • Jan 21 / Boys SoccerLaguna Blanca School - 4, Grace Brethren - 0
The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School

The Fourth Estate

About Us

The Fourth Estate is a publication produced by the journalism class of Laguna Blanca School. Founded in 1994, the Fourth Estate is still going strong; it is still receiving national recognition with awards from the National Scholastic Press Association, Columbia Press Association, and the Quill and Scroll Internation Honor Society, and is still attracting a waiting list of students eager to become part of its staff.

From its auspicious beginnings as an 8-page newsletter-sized paper to its current 48-page magazine formal, the school paper continues to evolve and improve. We cover a broad range of topics including news in the Laguna Blanca and Santa Barbara communities, student opinion, style, health, arts and entertainment, and more.

Laguna Blanca’s journalism program got its start in 1994 when eight students petitioned former Headmaster Mike Collins for a journalism class. Initially, Trish Mchale was hired to teach one class for one semester. After the first semester, all eight original students signed up again and were joined by eight more. The class has been filled every year since.

Each year at Laguna, a new group of editors is elected and eager to carry on the vision of the founders of The Fourth Estate, while creating and fostering their own vision of award-winning journalism.



The Fourth Estate welcomes guest columns and letters to the editor. Letters must be signed and must be no longer than 400 words. Editors reserve the right to edit for length, clarity, and/or taste. Anonymous letters will not be published. The Fourth Estate reserves the right to reject advertising. Opinions expressed in this publication reflect the perspectives of the staff whose goal is to inform our readers with reliable information from which to base decisions and opinions. Editorials represent the voice of the staff and are voted on by the entire staff. Columns and commentaries are labeled as such and represent the opinion of the author. The Fourth Estate publishes four issues per year with a senior insert in the last issue.


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The Student News Site of Laguna Blanca School
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