While applying to college this year, I received countless questions from friends and family about the process. Which colleges are you applying to? What are your test scores? What is your essay about? What major are you applying for? When I told an old family friend that I would be applying to several colleges as undecided, she told me that was one of the dumbest things I could do. When applying to college there is often a lot of pressure to choose a major, but it is becoming increasingly common for students to apply undecided. One reason for this is because of the wide range of possible programs that are now available to students. Many universities now offer hundreds of different majors in order to stay competitive and offer students a variety
of learning opportunities. Perhaps this is why it has also become more popular to graduate from college with a double or even triple major. Entering college undecided allows students to take many opportunities. Today, students don’t have to choose a career path by 18. Students can become more well-rounded and take more time to decide definitively what they want to spend their lives doing. Where college used to be regarded as simply a time for career preparation, it is now regarded as a time for life preparation and self-discovery.