Hello Laguna Community!
It’s that time of year again, where we have the awesome opportunity to come together and protect a place we love!
Saturday, September 17, from 9 a.m. to Noon is California Coastal Cleanup Day.
This is the 12th year that Laguna Blanca School will be hosting a table at Miramar/Hammonds Beach for this community event!
Here are the steps that those who participate need to take:
1. To get to this beach:
· Take the San Ysidro Road exit from the 101 – head towards the beach (Eucalyptus Lane).
· We will have a table set up at the top of the stairs there for volunteers to check in. We are starting at
Miramar Beach and we will be cleaning the beach to the right to Hammonds and to the left to Fernald Point.
2. Check in at the table:
· When you check in at the cleanup location, you will be given a pencil plus a clipboard with a special
data card to tally the items you collect.
· If you prefer, you can download the free CleanSwell App and keep track of trash as you go:
See attached PDF for more information.
· Check back in at the table when you’re done, weigh the trash and recycling, and you can finish
completing your data card.
3. Sign the waiver form
· ON SITE on Saturday
· Student volunteers: If you’re under 18 and don’t have a parent with you, have your
parent/guardian sign the attached waiver form and bring it with you to the beach. Waivers are also available at the Main Office.
Ms. Armstrong will place copies of the waiver form in the main office for pickup. J
· Bring Your Own (BYO) bucket or reusable bag, glove(s), and reusable water bottle. Help us cut down our waste.
· If under 18: Student volunteers under 18 must bring a signed waiver with a parent or guardian signature. Parents with children with them can sign the waiver at the beach.
· Community Service hours: Make sure to check in with us at the beach if you need your community service form signed.
· Wear your smile, sunscreen, close-toed shoes, and a hat. Please wear your LagunaWear!
It may seem like a pain to track all the trash you pick up on that day, but Coastal Cleanup is actually much more than cleaning–it’s one big citizen science project! Your accurate data will be reported to the state level and be used for many purposes. Coastal Cleanup data in the past has helped support plastic bag policy changes in the state!
Let’s make this year’s event even more successful… See you at the beach!
If anyone would like to help out at the check-in table, please let me know. We are looking for two or three adult volunteers.
Ms. Armstrong